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Writing Tips




在一個段落中,如果所有的idea都依據邏輯恰當地連接起來就是coherence。在一段具有coherence的段落中,所有idea的關係必須要很清楚,然後idea與idea之間的關聯也必須有邏輯性。好的coherence可以藉由以下幾點來達成:Transition expressions (連接詞)、logical order (邏輯順序)、pronoun (代名詞) 以及 parallel forms (一致性的詞性變化及詞類變化)。


壹、Transition Expressions: Transition expressions (連接詞)帶出句子與句子之間的邏輯連貫。以however為例:I studied so hard on the exam. However, I still failed it. 其中就可以看出however用以連接相反的句子。

Transition expressions 通常也以逗號與其他句子分隔。例如:

I like to read comic books. However, I don't like to read novels. 

I like to read comic books. I don't like to read novels, however

Transition expressions 也可以以分號以及逗號來構成compound sentence(對等並列句)。

I fell in love with a girl once; however, she didn't like me at all.

以下是一些常用的transition expressions:

1. 提供例子:for instance, for example, to demonstrate

2. 補充:moreover, furthermore, in addition, what's more

3. 相反:however, nevertheless, on the other hand, in contrast

4. 表示因果:as a result, thus, therefore

5. 強調:indeed, in fact, obviously


貳、Logical Order:另外一個完成coherence的方式就是以logical order(邏輯順序)編排文章中的idea,例如依照時間安排或是依據重要性安排。

1. 以時間安排時,可以使用:at the beginning, first of all, then, in the end, finally等字眼。

    例如: At the beginning I went to the store to get some foods. Then, I headed back home to prepare my dinner.

2. 以重要性安排時,你可以從最重要的安排到最不重要的,反之亦然。而你可以使用:the most/least important thing, the next important thing, the last/final thing等字眼。

    例如:The most important thing for me as a college student is to find my future.


參、PronounPronoun (代名詞)同時也是達成coherence的其中一個方法。常見的pronoun (代名詞)則有:I, you, he, she, they, that, this, those, these等。

例如:What is an essay and how to write it?

Pronoun (代名詞)也可以用來取代整句短語。

例如:I lost five hundred dollars on the MRT, I have no idea how I did that.


肆、Parallel FormsParallel forms (一致性的詞性變化及詞類變化) 也可以用來作為達成coherence的一種方式。

例如:Jerry likes taking photos, creating arts and dancing.

例如:Eric cleaned the house, prepared the food and lit up the candal.

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